
510, 2016

Buy Your Own Home First or Rent and Invest? The Choice Made Clear

It's a common question. Should I buy my own home first or should I rent and invest first? In this video, I aim to cut through the fog of confusion and give you the numbers behind each option. Once you understand the financial implications of each option, you can then make an informed decision. Leave me a comment below and share this with anyone who you think this could help. To your success, Niro

1409, 2016

To Fix or Not to Fix Your Rates? The 3 Things to Consider Before You Decide to Fix

It’s a common dilemma – do you fix your rates or don’t you? Fixing your rates gives you security that you know what your repayments will be during the fixed rate period. However, it also gives your lender the assurance you will almost certainly remain a client for the full extent of the fixed rate period. Even if you do decide to refinance during a fixed rate period for whatever reason, you will almost certainly end up paying hefty penalties. So your lender will make their money anyway. I’ve seen some people have to pay nearly $30,000 in penalty fees ...

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