Is an Off The Plan Apartment a Good Investment?

By: Niro Thambipillay

November 18, 2022


The 7 things they probably didn’t tell you

Are you thinking about buying an Off the Plan Apartment?

Maybe you’ve been told it’s a safe investment? After all, you can put down your deposit today and you don’t need to worry about the loan for a couple of years or even longer.

Maybe you’re after the tax benefits and depreciation? Doesn’t new property give you better tax benefits?

Look, I understand how people sell Off the Plan Apartments

And they can seem like a really good investment.

After all, the brochure they gave you looks really schmick didn’t it?

But in this video, I go through 7 things you need to consider…

And I can almost guarantee the person pitching the Off the Plan unit didn’t explain these to you (probably because they didn’t even know themselves)

Here’s a small snapshot of what you’ll discover…

  • How to have a higher chance of getting capital growth (Hint: Off the Plan Units do NOT meet these criteria)
  • Are you someone who thinks buying an Off the Plan Apartment is low risk? Discover why you’re probably taking on more risk than you were told
  • Why many investors struggle to get their Off the Plan apartments rented (The facts that are being hidden from you)
  • Heard that Off the Plan Units are better for tax purposes? It’s not that simple. Discover the actual truth here


Once you watch this video, you’ll see there’s a lot more to Off the Plan Apartments than you were first led to believe.

Check out the video now


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Financial disclaimer: I am not your financial advisor and the opinions I share in this video are purely my opinions. This is not to be considered personal advice as it is general in nature.


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